A Quick Takeaway to Build an Email List for Your Shopify Business!

Running a Shopify business can get tricky with so many others out there. To stand out and boost sales, owners are turning to different tools. But here’s the challenge: attracting new customers every day is tough. That’s why smart Shopify owners focus on conversion rate – turning visitors into buyers. And they’re doing it by spreading their marketing efforts across different channels.

This blog, titled “Quick Takeaway to Build an Email List for Your Shopify Business!” is all about helping you do just that. We’re diving into some important strategies, like how to collect emails on Shopify, build a mailing list for your business, and create a strong Shopify email list. It’s what successful Shopify store owners do to ensure they’re not just attracting customers but also keeping them engaged. So, let’s make your Shopify journey a bit easier!

How do I Build an Email List for My Shopify Business?

Building an email list is essential for any Shopify business, as it provides a direct and effective way to reach out to your customers and promote your products. Here are some effective ways to build an email list for your Shopify business.


1. Add an email sign-up form to your website

Place an email sign-up form on your website’s homepage, checkout page, and any other relevant pages. This will encourage visitors to sign up for your email list and stay in touch with your business. Email sign-up not only attracts new visitors to your website but can potentially boost sales on Shopify.

2. Offer a Lead Magnet

Offer a lead magnet, such as a free e-book, discount code, or exclusive content, in exchange for signing up for your email list. This will motivate visitors to subscribe to your list and give them a reason to stay engaged with your business.

3. Run a Contest

Running a contest is a great way to generate buzz and excitement around your brand while also building your email list. Ask visitors to enter the contest by providing their email addresses, and offer a prize that is relevant to your target audience. This also boosts engagement amongst the audience and helps you get their email IDs for further reference. The Shopify merchants can then use these email IDs to shoot relevant emails and get sales on Shopify.

4. Webinars and Events

Host webinars or events related to your business, and require attendees to sign up with their email addresses. This will help you build a targeted email list of people who are interested in your products or services. Also, this list will be segmented according to the customer preferences making it easier for Shopify merchants to offer product bundles the customers would want to buy. The email campaigns can also include offers and discounts on the specific brands and products the audience is interested in. Webinars and events will not only bring a new audience to the cart but also will increase sales on Shopify!

5. Optimize Your Email Marketing

Make sure that your emails are well-designed, personalized, and provide value to your subscribers. This will help you retain subscribers and encourage them to share your emails with their networks.

Top 5 Components of Email Marketing Every Shopify Merchant Should Focus On!


1. Target Lists

It refers to segmenting your email list based on demographics, behavior, interests, preference, and other factors to send more targeted and relevant messages. This helps the Shopify merchants to set emails based on the segmentation and get more sales on Shopify.

2. Subject Line

Use compelling subject lines to entice recipients to open your emails. Subject lines should be short, descriptive, and highlight the value proposition of your message.

3. Quality Content

Use high-quality, engaging content in your emails. This can include images, videos, text, and other interactive elements to capture the recipient’s attention.

4. Call-to-Action

Include clear and prominent calls-to-action (CTAs) in your emails. These can be buttons, links, or text that encourages the recipient to take a specific action, such as making a purchase or signing up for a newsletter.

5. Testing and Optimization

Test different email formats, subject lines, content, and CTAs to optimize your email campaigns. Use data and analytics to track open rates, click-through rates, conversions, and other metrics to improve your results.

How Shopify Merchants Can Increase Sales on Shopify?

1. Run Promotions and Sales

Offer promotions and sales to incentivize customers to make a purchase. Use limited-time offers, discount codes, and bundle deals to create a sense of urgency and encourage impulse buying.

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2. Strong Brand Identity

Develop a brand identity that reflects your values and resonates with your target audience. Use consistent branding elements like logos, colors, fonts, and imagery across all your marketing channels.

3. Enhanced Customer service

Provide exceptional customer service to your customers by responding promptly to their queries and concerns. Use chatbots and live chat to provide instant support and streamline the customer experience.

4. Email Marketing

Use email marketing to build relationships with your customers and keep them engaged with your brand. Offer incentives like discounts, free shipping, or exclusive content to encourage sign-ups.

With iCart, you can customize your cart to Upsell your products and attract customers.

5. Social Media

Use social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest to promote your products and engage with your customers. Create visually appealing content and run targeted ads to reach a wider audience.

Wrap Up

Email marketing is an effective strategy to boost sales on Shopify. Most of the Shopify merchants are optimizing their email campaigns by updating their subscription lists through various means.

Hopefully, the blog has enlightened you on how to build an email list for Shopify. If you have any queries, shoot them in the comment section below. I will surely try to answer them.

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Priyanka Chaudhari

About the author

Priyanka Chaudhari is an enthusiastic tech writer with a horizon of experience in multiple domains. She loves writing about marketing, e-commerce, and technology. Currently, she is employed with Identixweb as a senior content writer.

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