What is ISO country code?


The ISO country codes are standardized short-form codes that represent countries, dependent territories, and special areas of geographical interest. These codes are defined by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and are widely used in data processing, international shipping, and various global applications to ensure uniformity and consistency across different platforms and systems.

The ISO country codes are available in two formats:

  1. ISO 3166-1 alpha-2: A two-letter code, such as US for the United States or FR for France.
  2. ISO 3166-1 alpha-3: A three-letter code, such as USA for the United States or FRA for France.

These codes are essential for various applications, including e-commerce platforms, where they help streamline processes like shipping, tax calculation, and regional targeting.

Setting ISO Country Codes in the App

When configuring rules in the app, you may need to specify country-based triggers. For instance, if you want to apply certain rules based on the customer’s country, you will use the ISO country codes to define these triggers. Here is an example of how to set this in the app:

01. Edit Rule: Start by editing the rule where you want to apply the country-based trigger.
02. Select Trigger: Choose “Country” as the trigger condition.
03. Add Country Code: In the value field, enter the corresponding ISO country code for the desired country. For example, if you want to apply the rule to customers from Canada, you would enter “CA” (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code for Canada).

Country Condition - Hide Payment & Shipping

This ensures that the rule will be applied correctly based on the specified country.

List of ISO Country Codes

Below is a comprehensive list of ISO Alpha-2 and Alpha-3 country codes. Use these codes to accurately configure country-based rules in our app.

Country Alpha-2 Code Alpha-3 Code
Afghanistan AF AFG
Albania AL ALB
Algeria DZ DZA
American Samoa AS ASM
Andorra AD AND
Angola AO AGO
Anguilla AI AIA
Antarctica AQ ATA
Antigua and Barbuda AG ATG
Argentina AR ARG
Armenia AM ARM
Aruba AW ABW
Australia AU AUS
Austria AT AUT
Azerbaijan AZ AZE
Bahamas (the) BS BHS
Bahrain BH BHR
Bangladesh BD BGD
Barbados BB BRB
Belarus BY BLR
Belgium BE BEL
Belize BZ BLZ
Benin BJ BEN
Bermuda BM BMU
Bhutan BT BTN
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) BO BOL
Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba BQ BES
Bosnia and Herzegovina BA BIH
Botswana BW BWA
Bouvet Island BV BVT
Brazil BR BRA
British Indian Ocean Territory (the) IO IOT
Brunei Darussalam BN BRN
Bulgaria BG BGR
Burkina Faso BF BFA
Burundi BI BDI
Cabo Verde CV CPV
Cambodia KH KHM
Cameroon CM CMR
Canada CA CAN
Cayman Islands (the) KY CYM
Central African Republic (the) CF CAF
Chile CL CHL
China CN CHN
Christmas Island CX CXR
Cocos (Keeling) Islands (the) CC CCK
Colombia CO COL
Comoros (the) KM COM
Congo (the Democratic Republic of the) CD COD
Congo (the) CG COG
Cook Islands (the) CK COK
Costa Rica CR CRI
Croatia HR HRV
Curaçao CW CUW
Cyprus CY CYP
Czechia CZ CZE
Denmark DK DNK
Djibouti DJ DJI
Dominica DM DMA
Dominican Republic (the) DO DOM
Ecuador EC ECU
Egypt EG EGY
El Salvador SV SLV
Equatorial Guinea GQ GNQ
Eritrea ER ERI
Estonia EE EST
Eswatini SZ SWZ
Ethiopia ET ETH
Falkland Islands (the) [Malvinas] FK FLK
Faroe Islands (the) FO FRO
Finland FI FIN
France FR FRA
French Guiana GF GUF
French Polynesia PF PYF
French Southern Territories (the) TF ATF
Gabon GA GAB
Gambia (the) GM GMB
Georgia GE GEO
Germany DE DEU
Ghana GH GHA
Greece GR GRC
Greenland GL GRL
Grenada GD GRD
Guatemala GT GTM
Guinea GN GIN
Guinea-Bissau GW GNB
Guyana GY GUY
Haiti HT HTI
Honduras HN HND
Hong Kong HK HKG
Hungary HU HUN
Iceland IS ISL
India IN IND
Indonesia ID IDN
Iran (Islamic Republic of) IR IRN
Ireland IE IRL
Israel IL ISR
Italy IT ITA
Jamaica JM JAM
Japan JP JPN
Jordan JO JOR
Kazakhstan KZ KAZ
Kenya KE KEN
Kuwait KW KWT
Kyrgyzstan KG KGZ
Latvia LV LVA
Lebanon LB LBN
Lesotho LS LSO
Liberia LR LBR
Libya LY LBY
Lithuania LT LTU
Luxembourg LU LUX
Malaysia MY MYS
Maldives MV MDV
Malta MT MLT
Mexico MX MEX
Morocco MA MAR
Mozambique MZ MOZ
Myanmar MM MMR
Namibia NA NAM
Nauru NR NRU
Nepal NP NPL
Netherlands (the) NL NLD
New Zealand NZ NZL
Nicaragua NI NIC
Niger (the) NE NER
Nigeria NG NGA
Norway NO NOR
Pakistan PK PAK
Palau PW PLW
Panama PA PAN
Philippines (the) PH PHL
Poland PL POL
Portugal PT PRT
Qatar QA QAT
Romania RO ROU
Russia RU RUS
Rwanda RW RWA
Saint Kitts and Nevis KN KNA
Saint Lucia LC LCA
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines VC VCT
Samoa WS WSM
San Marino SM SMR
Saudi Arabia SA SAU
Senegal SN SEN
Seychelles SC SYC
Sierra Leone SL SLE
Singapore SG SGP
Slovakia SK SVK
Slovenia SI SVN
Somalia SO SOM
South Africa ZA ZAF
Spain ES ESP
Sri Lanka LK LKA
Sudan SD SDN
Sweden SE SWE
Switzerland CH CHE
Syria SY SYR
Taiwan TW TWN
Tajikistan TJ TJK
Tanzania TZ TZA
Thailand TH THA
Trinidad and Tobago TT TTO
Tunisia TN TUN
Turkey TR TUR
Turkmenistan TM TKM
Tuvalu TV TUV
Uganda UG UGA
Ukraine UA UKR
United Arab Emirates (the) AE ARE
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) GB GBR
United States of America (the) US USA
Uruguay UY URY
Uzbekistan UZ UZB
Vanuatu VU VUT
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) VE VEN
Viet Nam VN VNM
Western Sahara EH ESH
Yemen YE YEM
Zambia ZM ZMB
Zimbabwe ZW ZWE