Shipping Price

Add extra shipping charges according to the Delivery Date selected.

→ If you are selling products, shipping costs are unavoidable. Shipping rates will bring an impact on your customers and the profit of your business also. Calculate your shipping rates and set them on your app on a date basis like on which date you need to increase or decrease the shipping rate.
→ From time to time, we were getting applications to add shipping charges on the delivery date and finally, we managed to make it.
→ Here we come up with a new addon for our Stellar Delivery Date & Pickup Shopify app named Shipping Price.
→ In this, you can add the delivery charge according to the day every week. If you want more charge than normal delivery charge for same-day delivery or some other day, you can do that by this ADDON.

Base Price:
  • Day – All days show.
  • Shipping Price – Add shipping price for the day.
  • Shipping Method Name – Show shipping method.


Conditional Price:

→ In this tab, add shipping price by day conditions. If the selected delivery day is the same day of order, add the shipping charge you would like to take.
→ For example: if there is a value on Day 0 (Zero) then it’ll get same-day delivery. So if the customer selects same-day delivery, the shipping charge applied to there will be added in shipping. For the next day, if there is 1 value in the field it’ll get it the next day’s delivery day. The same will be repeated for more days ahead.

Cart Value Price

→ Apply shipping price according to the cart value/amount. In that option, you can charge extra and give free shipping if the cart value matches the conditions accordingly set in the add-on dashboard.
→ For example: If the cart value is less than 30, charge an extra amount of 2.99 will be applied as a shipping charge. And zero shipping price will be added when the cart price increased and equals or more than 30.

Text/Language Settings

→ In that option, you can set/change the text to be shown on the checkout page as a shipping method.

Note: If you are using the Store Pickup & Local Delivery add-on of our app then you can have the different option to have delivery charges.

➝ We do al so have the feature to make the Shipping price free when the customer selects a Store pickup from the delivery option so they don’t have to pay extra shipping for a pickup orders. You just need to turn on (enable) our store pickup settings from the Shipping price add-on that’s it.

Here you can see how the options are showing in the Shipping, Store pickup, and local delivery.

Shipping price

To read the complete guide on Shipping Price add-on click here.