Email content
When a wholesale customer registers and adds their company, the related email content will be set accordingly.
Once the company is registered, it will appear in the registration list, where you can take actions like approve or decline. Based on your action, an email will be sent to the wholesale customer.
You can prepare the email format here for notifications sent to customers regarding approved or declined companies.
Here’s a breakdown of the options:
1. Subject Line: You can set the email subject here. To include the dynamic store name and company name, use the provided variables. This content applies to both company approval or decline emails, so it should be added once and kept concise.
Variables: {{company_name}}
, {{store_name}}
2. Body Content: Here, you can add the email content for approval or decline notifications. You can also use dynamic values with the provided shortcodes.
Variables: {{main_contact}}
, {{company_name}}
, {{store_name}}
3. Formatting Options: When customizing your email content, you can use various formatting options Basic like bold, italic, and underline are available to customize your email content.
-> Reason for Decline: The app dynamically fetches and adds the specific reason for the decline into the email. This ensures that the recipient understands why their registration was not approved.
Email content
Email on company-decline
Draft order invoice email (Net payment term)
This option is designed to manage the communication sent to customers when a draft order is placed with net payment terms. This feature ensures that customers receive a clear and professional confirmation of their order along with the specific payment terms. Here’s a detailed explanation of its options:
You can add and format the email subject and body section, which we have already included in the email approval and decline sections above.
Variables: The app allows you to use specific variables in the email content to personalize the message. These variables include:
{{main_contact}}: The main contact person’s name.
{{company_name}}: The company’s name.
{{store_name}}: Your store’s name.
{{net_days}}: The number of days specified in the payment terms.
By customizing the “Draft order invoice email (Net payment term)” content, you can ensure that your customers receive a clear and professional confirmation of their order along with the specific payment terms. This helps in maintaining transparent communication and setting clear expectations regarding payment deadlines.