customer metafields based segment filters

Metafields allows you to customize the functionality and appearance of your Shopify store. Metafields save specialized information that isn’t tracked by default, you can make your online store more useful for customers and for your business. Customer metafields let you store custom data about your customers and use them to improve their shopping experience with you. New update has been launched by Shopify which is customer metafield-based segment filters.

What is a customer metafield-based segment filter?

If you create a customer metafield definition, you can use the metafield as a filter. You can only create segments from metafields that use the following data types: dates and times, numbers, text, and true or false.


The operators that are available depend on which content type is used for the metafield.

Date and time:

  • In the last 7 days: >= 7_days_ago
  • In the last 30 days: >= 30_days_ago
  • In the last 90 days: >= 90_days_ago
  • In the last 12 months: >= 12_months_ago
  • Exactly on date: =
  • On or before date: <=
  • On or after date: >=
  • Between dates: BETWEEN AND


  • Is equal to: =
  • Is not equal to: !=
  • Greater than: >
  • Smaller than: <
  • Smaller or equal to: <=
  • Greater or equal to: >=
  • Between: BETWEEN

Text with defined values:

  • Contains: CONTAINS
  • Doesn’t: NOT CONTAINS

Text without defined values:

  • Is equal to: =
  • Is not equal to: !=

True or false:

  • Is equal to: =
  • Is not equal to: !=


The values that are available, if any, depend on whether values were added to the metafield or whether you use third-party apps to pull data into your metafields. You might need to enter values manually.


The format of the data that is entered depends on what was set up in the metafield.


Points balance example:
customer.points_balance >= 100


The filter name is based on the name of the metafield. The code is based on the namespace and the key of the metafield.
Some common use cases for using metafields for a customer segment include point balances, loyalty and rewards, and customer birthdays.

Sajini Annie John

About the author

Meet Sajini, a seasoned technical content writer with a passion for e-commerce and expertise in Shopify. She is committed to helping online businesses to thrive through the power of well-crafted content.

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