What is the point of an online storefront? It is to maximize sales by making it easy for the customers to find and buy products. However, it is hard for customers to determine whether they like the product or not. Or if it has the right specifications without seeing it in person.
To alleviate that issue, expertly written Shopify product descriptions are necessary. Product descriptions aim to provide all of the information that is needed to convince the customer to buy that product.
If you’re someone who’s looking to learn how to write the perfect Shopify product description, then this article is for you. We will discuss some of the techniques that make a product description good for one of the most popular platforms online: Shopify stores.
Product Description Techniques to Elevate Sales On A Shopify Store
Below are the techniques that will help you make the most out of your product descriptions on a Shopify store.
1. Know Your Audience
The first technique that most successful Shopify businesses use in their product descriptions is the fact that they tailor them to their target audience. You have to understand the pain points of your audience and try to resonate with them through your language. You need to write advanced product description for your Shopify product to reach to your target audience.
This is what makes a product description compelling and convinces users to purchase the product. Consider their interests and preferences, then capitalize off of these things and tell them how your product can help.
If you’re having trouble knowing who exactly your audience is, then think of it this way, a skin care company is probably going to have an audience that has skin issues. Try focusing on what your product is about and then think about who its target audience can be. Once that is done, you can conduct interviews or take surveys to find out their pain points.
2. Use Persuasive Language
The second product description technique that can help you sell more is using persuasive language. Since the purpose of product descriptions is to convince the reader to purchase, persuasive language can be a great way to increase its chances.
Don’t just rely on the user making their mind up themselves. Instead, try to help them make a decision, and reel them in. Incorporate words that evoke emotions in the user, they should get a sense of urgency. Some words that can do that are “limited time”, “must have”, “try it out now”, etc.
This encourages the user into quick decision-making and 7 out of 10 times, they end up making the purchase. Finding the right words that are engaging and persuasive can be a bit tricky. You might have to try and reword your product description after it’s written for optimal results. If you don’t have the time to do it manually, you can always use an online rewording tool for it. Modern rewording tools are powered by AI algorithms which enables them to find the words to match the specific tone like Creative and Persuasive tone for product descriptions.
3. Highlight Unique Selling Points
You need to clearly let the audience know what sets your product apart from others, and what are its unique points that the competition lacks. Whether it’s a unique feature, quality difference, or an ongoing offer. Make your product stand out.
This can help generate more sales for your Shopify store since the audience will know that your product offers somewhat more value than what others are offering.
Besides, it can also build your credibility among the audience, and they might turn into your long-term customers.
4. Portray Features Of The Product As Benefits
This technique is perhaps one of the most important out of all the ones on this list. Users need to know the features of your product. But what they need to know even more to make a decision is the benefits they can receive if they make the purchase.
Try to briefly explain how the features of the product can solve the problems of the audience. This way, they’ll understand its importance. Remember, you don’t want to add baloney information, try to add benefits that the product can actually provide.
To make it easier for yourself, you can extensively use the product yourself and notice how it has made your life easier in certain ways. Then use that information to convey the benefits. When you’re speaking from experience, there are way less chances of making a mistake.
5. Optimize For SEO
To maximize your sales, you need to optimize your product descriptions for search engines. This way, their visibility will increase, and more users will come across them. It doesn’t matter how good of a product description you write. Without SEO, it won’t produce the desired results.
To do that, you need to add relevant high-volume keywords to your product descriptions. You can find them by performing keyword research online. Fortunately, there are many tools that can make this process easier, SEMrush and Ahrefs being two of them.
6. Format It Nicely
Formatting the product descriptions matter. Without it, they can look amateurish and the customer might get the notion that the seller hasn’t put much time in their product description. A well-crafted description is always well-formatted.
For that, you can break up the text into short paragraphs, so it doesn’t feel cluttered. Also, use bullet points for easy reading, and try to include headers where they are needed. For example, a header says “Features” above the features of the product. Descriptions like these can potentially increase your sales since customers are more likely to read them.
Adding proof that your product is helpful at the end of its description can increase sales. For that, you can use customer testimonials, reviews, or endorsements. This builds trust among the customers and removes any doubt that they might have about the product’s authenticity and quality.
This is why it is always best to ask for reviews from your customers so you can use them to drag in more customers. Positive feedback from other customers can massively influence potential buyers.
You can add these things as screenshots or quote the reviews that other customers have given. Many successful Shopify stores use this technique to boost their sales and we recommend you do the same.
Finals Words
Product descriptions play a huge role in generating sales for an online storefront. The same is the case with Shopify. However, the descriptions should be of high quality and must fulfill some requirements for them to be effective. In this article, we have discussed some techniques that can take your Shopify store product descriptions to the next level and increase its sales.
About the author
Journi Zoie
Journi Zoie is a dedicated Content Writer specializing in Education, Digital Marketing and Technology. With over 3 years of writing experience, she enjoys creating content that's easy to understand and provides helpful information.